

This weekend's blizzard dumped 21.5 inches on us here in Shakopee! The weather was bad, but it didn't seem like we got that much snow. My parents made the trip Friday night and beat the storm here. By the time we woke up on Saturday, it was snowing pretty good. Our hockey game was postponed until Sunday so we didn't get to go :( I was looking forward to watching Sioux hockey live and Sage really wanted to wear her Sioux dress from Katrina! My parents weren't too bummed about the weather because they were able to spend all their time with Sage.

She is getting so big! She loves to sit up and see what is going on at all times. She is very close to rolling over, but her arms are getting in the way. I can't believe how fast she is growing! I packed away some clothes today that are too small :(

We are all set for Christmas...house decorated, and gifts purchased and wrapped. Next weekend we are going to the Holidazzle parade and to Amma to get Sage's picture taken with Santa.


Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

Back to Work I Go!

Today was my first day back at work with students and Sage's first day at daycare! Things went well for all of us. We all survived! Sage was happy when I picked her up and I was so happy to see her! It'll take me a week or two to get caught up with work, but it was fun to see the kids and my co-workers. Only 3 weeks until Christmas break :)

We are going to the Sioux hockey game in Mankato this weekend. I can't wait! My parents are coming too. Sioux Yeah Yeah!!


Turkey Day

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did! My brother Adam hosted Thanksgiving dinner at his house in St. Cloud. We had such a good time. The weather cooperated so almost everyone made it.

After we got home on Friday, we decorated our tree. I can't wait for Sage to be big enough to enjoy it! She really likes looking at the lights, it's so cute!

Justin's parents, Brenn and Terran came Saturday to visit and shop. Brenn loves Sage so much and is such a good helper! She even helps change diapers.


Such a Rough Life!

Being a baby is so rough! Sage is getting so big! She has discovered her hands and they spend a lot of time in her mouth! This week she has been looking at her feet, so I am sure she will be chewing on them too!

She is smiling a ton! She likes her swing, Lil Lamb vibrating chair, and her Boppy. She is not a huge fan of tummy time, but we still work on it every day.

Today, she laughed for the first time! She was watching the balls on her Mama Roo and let out a big laugh! We got the video camera out so our course she wouldn't do it again.

She has also started to spit up. Justin was trying to catch a smile and caught spit up instead!


2 Months!

Sage had her 2 month appointment last Wednesday. She weighed in at 12 lbs 1 oz and is 23.5 inches long. She did get some shots and I think it was harder on me than on her! She was ok Wednesday, but was pretty sleepy on Thursday. Since her shots, she has been spitting up a lot, drooling, and chewing away on her hands.

Over the River....

......and through the woods, to Grandma's house we go! This past weekend, Sage had her first road trip to NoDak! Sage was a good traveler, and slept the entire time we were in the car. The weather was so nice all weekend! We (Sage and I) didn't leave the farm the entire weekend! Saturday Wendy, Amanda, and Shaun came out to visit and meet Sage. Sunday, my aunt and uncle, Noreen and RObert brought my Grandpa to the farm. He kept looking at Sage and making the comment that her picture was hanging in his room! I am not sure if he really knew who I was, but he sure kept his eye on Sage!
Sage slept great at the farm! She slept over 6 hours straight Friday night, and 7 on Saturday! She must really like it there! We had a great weekend!


Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween weekend! Little Miss Sage was a ladybug! On Saturday we went to Amma to visit their pumpkin patch. We saw lots of cute babies in costume! Sage had her picture taken, can't wait to see it! After that, we met some friends for dinner and went to a Halloween event at the Children's Museum. It was soooo much fun! I can't wait to take Sage again when she is bigger! She didn't know what to think if the infant room! We were out of the house from 11:30 until 8:30...and Sage was great!!



Sage was baptized last Saturday in Luverne. All four uncles served as godparents (she has no aunts! hint hint). We had a great weekend. Sage got to meet most of her Siebenahler/DeBates family.

So Behind....

I am way behind on blogging! I guess my excuse is that we have been very busy! Sage is 8 weeks old and growing like crazy! She has discovered her hands and mouth. She is also smiling :)
Each day, she gets more fun! It's hard to believe that my leave is half over!

Sage had a follow-up ultrasound on her hip today. She has been wearing a brace for the last 6 weeks because her right hip was loose from being breech. The radiologist said it looks great! We see the orthopedic doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he gives us the ok to quit wearing the brace (we have been cheating the last week!).


Introducing Sage Lynn...

Sage Lynn Siebenahler
Born 8.26.10 @ 8:07 am
7 lbs 11 oz 21 in

We are so happy she is finally here! We have been a bit busy, as you can see that I am finally posting and she is already 2 1/2 weeks old! We have had visits from both sets of grandparents, uncles, cousins, and friends the past two weekends. This weekend though, it is just the three of us!

Sage was very fussy after eating a few days last week, so we made a formula change and added gas drops which have both made a huge difference. She has ointment for her eyes because her tear ducts didn't open so she has a little infection.

The biggest issue is her poor right hip! Since she was breech her pediatrician ordered a hip ultrasound to make sure things developed properly. Her right hip is a tad loose so they are afraid it could start to go out of joint. The poor little thing has to wear a velcro brace for six weeks to keep her legs slightly elevated towards her hip. She doesn't like it, but she doesn't hate it either. I think it has been hardest on mom! The doc said that the brace has a 99% chance of fixing the problem so she can avoid future issues.


Thursday, August 26th....

...is the big day! Baby Girl S is still Frank breech, so we have a C-section scheduled for the 26th! I really wanted her to be born in September, but I feel better having her coming early to be safe.
We have to check in at 6:25 a.m. and surgery is at 7:40 a.m. Crazy to think she'll b here in less than 48 hours!!! My doctor is on vacation but really wanted to deliver so she is coming in! That is why it is so early- we are the first scheduled surgery of the day

The Nursery...

...is/has been done for awhile. I am finally posting some pics. The room started as our office/guest room, everything was moved downstairs to the "man cave", which is now the family room/office/guest room/man cave.

The walls need some decor, but I couldn't find anything I like- too fussy! I figured the room could grow with Baby Girl and we can add things as we find them. It turned out great- not too modern and not too girly. It took some convincing to talk Justin into two dressers, but we need the storage! Most of the drawers have something in them already! He was a bit surprised at all the things a baby needs and the extras I wanted :)


6 Weeks!!

Yikes! Only 6 weeks until Baby Girl is here! We still have a lot to do so I hope she takes her time! I REALLY hope she waits to arrive until September.....since my birthday and both my brothers birthdays are in September, I want her to be a September baby too! I might change my mind in August :) She has been moving quite a bit lately and is starting to kick up near my ribs.

Baby classes are done! I am glad we went, we learned a few things that will be very helpful. On the agenda for this weekend- buy the dressers!! I want to get some of her things washed up and put away. We are starting to accumulate a few items and the bags in the closet are getting in the way!

Brenn and Terran spent a few days with us a couple of weeks ago. I think Brenn is the most excited about the baby. She wants her weekly, Thursday update on how big the baby is (today she is a cantelope). She thinks it's pretty funny. She made some pictures for her and wants to have matching outfits!


Happy 4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July weekend! My parents came to visit. We did some shopping, spent a night at Canterbury, went to a Twins game, and just hung out! My dad drove his pickup so we could get the crib. Grandpa also bought Baby Girl S a gift- her stroller! He said he did it in memory of my Grandma Kiefer who would have been very excited for the baby and would have wanted to buy me something nice from my registry.

The crib was already put together, so of course it wouldn't fit through the bedroom door! The guys were able to take the base off and then it fit- no worries! Now we just need a couple dressers, some wall art and we will actually be close to having a finished room.
Happy 4th of July!!


Registering is Stressful

I did not anticipate registering for the baby to be so stressful! I have had a harder time picking out baby things than I did things for our wedding registry! Maybe it's part stress and hormones from being pregnant. (Justin thinks I am too picky :) ) I know it's also due to the fact that there are SOOO many choices and a lot of it is so tacky and covered in baby stuff. I wish there were more neutral choices for things. I think we finally have it covered though! The only downside is I have things on two registries- Target and Babies R Us- but oh well! Baby Girl S will not be deprived, that is for sure!

We have a crib!

I finally feel like we are making a little progress on the nursery! Today, we purchased a crib!! We went to Babies R Us on Sunday to finish up our registry. I happened to take a little stroll through the furniture section and there it was! The crib I was eyeing up online. Someone purchased it online, didn't like it, and returned it to the store. We got an extra 35% off since it was in the "clearance" section since it was a return, I had a 20% off coupon, plus we saved 10% by opening a credit card. So after it was said and done, we scored a $370 crib for $160! And, I love the crib!!!!! And bonus for Justin, he doesn't have to put it together :)


The nursery is almost painted. We should finish that up tomorrow morning. Progress!!!! Still a lot to do in only 9 weeks. Yikes!!


April 29, 2006

Happy 4th Anniversary to my amazing hubby! I can't believe that you have put up with my for this long! It seems like yesterday that we were wedding planning! Today, we are baby planning! Love you lots!!


20 Weeks

Today marks the 1/2 way point of this pregnancy- yay!!!!! I am feeling really good and hope that continues. Lots to get done and only 20 weeks left to do so!


Go Twins

Justin was lucky and got to go to the Home Opener at Target Field! His boss found the tickets and gave him the day off! He was also a nice guy and brought home souvenirs for his girls! I got a new Twins hat and Baby Girl S got a t-shirt. It is pink and says "My First Twins Tee" on it. It is too cute! I think somebody already has her daddy wrapped around her finger :)


Oh Baby

I have decided that Oh Baby at the Galleria is my favorite baby store! I was in awe of all the cuteness!! But the prices were a bit out of my range :( I don't think Justin would approve of $90 Joe Jeans for Baby Girl S! I did buy her a cute hot pink hat, pink knit headband, and ADORABLE purple onesie with owl buttons. Way too cute! Her wardrobe will be fab, that's for sure :) The good news is that they have an outlet store in Wayzata so I'll be checking that out.


Good Friday

Wow, was Good Friday ever a "Good Friday"!! First, we bought a new camera! It is awesome- a Nikon P100! I have wanted a new, good camera for a few years. We decided to wait until we had a baby, so my first baby purchase was the camera!

Next, we went to the doctor for my detailed ultrasound and found out it's a GIRL!!!! I was very excited! Justin was too after he got over the shock :)

Last, we picked up my brother Nick and headed to NoDak for the weekend. I hadn't been there since Thanksgiving and Justin hadn't been there since JUNE! We had a great time!


3 Days!!

Only 3 days until the ultrasound! We are very excited to find out if Baby S is a he or a she. I know that sometimes people have a "feeling" about whether it is a boy or a girl. I haven't! I keep calling the baby her and Justin is calling the baby him. Maybe that is our way of saying what we want! I have an itch to shop and start with the nursery so I can't wait for Friday. I haven't made a single purchase yet which is a miracle for me!

I do plan on going furniture shopping this week to pick out a few things. It's better if I go alone first, and then bring Justin and show him what I found.