
Fall Fun

Fall is my favorite time of year! I love wearing jeans, scarves, and sweaters, the changing colors, and the weather! We have had company the last two weekends- both sets of grandparents! This weekend it was just the three of us. We went to Emma Krumbees in Belle Plaine. Sage was still too little for most of it, but we still had fun. We checked out the scarecrows, picked a pumpkin, and stocked up on Honey Crisp apples! Justin and Sage walked through the rope maze and we took a tractor/trailer ride.

This week is Homecoming week at school- also another Fall favorite! We are going to the football game on Friday- it will be Sage's first Packer football game!

Sage had her 1 year check up a few weeks ago. She is still long and lean! She had another round of shots which are never fun :(