
Merry Christmas!

Once again, I am behind in posting. It has been a busy month!

We had a great Christmas! We spent two days in Luverne. Justin's team won the alumni hockey game (he scored two goals!). We were able to see lots of friends and family. Sage loved playing with Brenn and Terran. From Luverne we headed to NoDak for two days. Nick made it home from NYC which was great. Sage got her first tractor ride from Grandpa Kiefer on his new tractor! She didn't know what to think- it was a little loud.

Sage was a trooper in the car all weekend, sleeping a ton. The weather was amazing, perfect for traveling!

I am enjoying my week off at home with Sage. She had a wellness check today and we found out that her ear infection is not gone and it is now in both ears! She also has slight bronchitis. We are now on antibiotic #3. I hope it works this time! She is such a good little girl- you would never guess she was sick! She is still happy all the time!

She has been busy playing with all her new toys- stroller, kitchen, books. She is spoiled!


Crazy Busy Fall

I'm a bit behind in posting! The school year has been a bit crazy. I have four preps including coordinating our school store, which is eating up a majority of my time. The first trimester of school is almost over, which means 1/3 of the way to summer vacation! I can't believe it! Trimester two should be a little less hectic, hopefully!

Sage is at a really fun age! She runs everywhere and waves at everyone! She is sleeping like a rockstar at night (with the exception of a few days here and there when teething) and goes down so easy. We have a mouthful of teeth- 12! She loves waving and waves to everyone when we are in public. She still loves books, but is much less serious. She is starting to babble more and laugh a lot more, which we love.

Her newest tricks include:
-signing more
-picking out books by their name when I ask her for them
-pointing to her hockey girls poster (U of M women's team)
-can identify her pretty hair, belly, eyes, ears, feet, tongue, belly and fingers
-sitting on the coffee table

I can't believe she is almost 15 months old!


Fall Fun

Fall is my favorite time of year! I love wearing jeans, scarves, and sweaters, the changing colors, and the weather! We have had company the last two weekends- both sets of grandparents! This weekend it was just the three of us. We went to Emma Krumbees in Belle Plaine. Sage was still too little for most of it, but we still had fun. We checked out the scarecrows, picked a pumpkin, and stocked up on Honey Crisp apples! Justin and Sage walked through the rope maze and we took a tractor/trailer ride.

This week is Homecoming week at school- also another Fall favorite! We are going to the football game on Friday- it will be Sage's first Packer football game!

Sage had her 1 year check up a few weeks ago. She is still long and lean! She had another round of shots which are never fun :(


Uncle Andi Visits from Switzerland!

Several years ago, Justin's family had an exchange student from Switzerland. Andreas is like a member of the family! He flew back for our wedding in 2006 and attended college in Worthington, MN from 2008-09 He is back again for a few weeks visiting. This is the first time Sage has met her Uncle Andi! We had a great weekend- went shopping at MOA, Andi got to go to a few hockey stores, and we spent a morning at the Renannsance Festival. Andi and Justin shot bow and arrow and Andi won!

We are already planning and saving for a trip to Europe in a couple years to see Andi!


Sage is 1!

Sage turned 1 on August 26th....I know everyone says this but, wow! I cannot believe how fast the last year went by and how many different stages we have gone through!

We had a party for her at our house. Sage is lucky to have so many amazing people in her life. She is truly blessed! She was showered with so many great gifts: toys, books, clothes, money, and hockey skates! They are the cutest little things I have ever seen! She also got a really cool tricycle from her Uncle Adam.

My favorite part of her party were her wishes. All the guests wrote a wish on a slip of paper and put a candle in her cake. I am going to save all her wishes in an album so she can look back at them when she is older.

The weather was great! I hope everyone had a great time, I know we did!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little Booski girl! Mom and Dad love you!


Almost One!

I can't believe that Sage will be 1 in a couple weeks! Looking back on the last year, I can't believe how much she has changed and grown! We have enjoyed every moment with her and love her to pieces!

We spent a week at the lake with my parents. It wasn't as relaxing as usual chasing Sage all over, but we still had a lot of fun. Sage liked the water and loved going for walks outside. I can't wait for next summer when she will be able to do so much more!

We had 1 year pictures taken last week too. Sage was very serious the whole time and wouldn't sit still! I hope we get a few good ones!

I have been busy planning her birthday party. Justin thinks I am going overboard, lol! She needs a name banner, decorations and a kick ass cake, right???

Sage's newest tricks:
  • waving- hello and goodbye
  • will take 2-4 steps at a time on her own
  • goes hoooooo when she sees an owl
  • likes to smell feet :)
  • sleeping like a champ again!
  • has 8 teeth (2 new bottom teeth!)
  • loves her Jelly Cats
  • loves books
  • prefers adult food over baby food


10.5 months

I am a bit behind.....Sage is now 10.5 months old! I know everyone says this, but I can't believe how fast she is growing up! I have already started planning her 1st birthday party! How crazy is that!! It is so fun being able to be home with her during the summer.

Some of her new milestones:
-can climb up the stairs
-stands on her own for several seconds
-loves pushing the chairs around the kitchen!
-new words: A-B, Grandpa
-has signed "more" a couple of times when she wanted a bottle
-loves cuddling with her Jelly Cats
-4 top teeth
-sleeping better at night (thanks to tough love from mom and dad)
-walks along all of the furniture

I survived being away for a week when I went to NYC for a workshop. My cousin Marisa was a huge help and stayed at our house to watch Sage. Thanks Mo!

Having a girl is way too much fun! I bought a ton of new clothes for her 1-year pictures we are taking in a few weeks. She is easy to shop for- girls clothing is so darn cute!!


Summer Vacation

I am so excited that it is summer! I am excited to spend more time with Sage. On my first official day of vacation she had her 9 month checkup. The best part, no shots! Everything checkout out great- developmentally she is ahead of schedule. She was 20 lbs 4 oz and 29 inches long. Still in the 90th percentile for length and the 70th for weight- she must get that from her dad!

We are taking another class at Amma. It gets us out of the house one afternoon each week and we get to interact with other babies. We had a play date with the moms and babies from my original New Mom class at Amma, hopefully we can keep meeting all summer. I can't believe how big they have all gotten!

Sage's updates:

-reach the top of the kitchen table!
-walks with a toy or the kitchen chair
-stand on her own for a few seconds
-cuddles with her stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows
-plays peek-a-boo
-has said Dada and Mama
-wanting more solids and less bottles
-is no longer a good sleeper :( has been getting up 2 times a night and wants to be held
-starting to turn into a mommies girl which will make going back to work in September difficult!
-is obsessed with the central air vents and vacuum


9 Months

Little Miss Sage was 9 months old on the 26th....I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! We had a great weekend with family. Sage and I were both under the weather to start the weekend, but felt well enough to enjoy company.

Sage got to meet several cousins! My cousin Mary and her husband Brian were visiting from Seattle and spend a couple nights at our house. My cousin Katina fled the flood waters of Bismarck to hang out with us. We were also able to see my cousin Marisa, my parents came for the weekend, and Nick and Adam both made an appearance. Nick's girlfriend Diane was also here for the weekend. Our friends Andy and Heather were in town with their kids. We went to their hotel to visit and Sage went swimming for the first time!

Sage is getting more and more active! She now can:

-Stand on her own for a few seconds- she did this a few times this weekend
-Has her first top tooth! She has three more on the top that look close
-She will cuddle with her stuffed animals and hug her Bitty Baby
-She said Da Da very clearly- Justin went downstairs and she was at the gate.
-She LOVES sweet potatoes
-Went swimming for the first time

Sage is skipped daycare yesterday to hang out with her cousins Katina and Marisa :)


100 mph

Sage has turned into a busy body! She is always on the go, go, go! Her new favorite thing is hanging out on the coffee table. She pulls herself up and then lets herself down, and repeats! SHe has figured out how to gradually let herself down when she is standing up now. We do have one an occasionally face plant into the coffee table :(

-Eats solids! Loves sweet potatoes and cereal and hates peas
-Converted into her new car seat!
-Crawls nonstop
-Pulls herself up to standing
-Loves bath time
-Sounds like she is saying dada
-Waves and claps arms when you tell her YAY!
-Loves to kiss the patio door
-Makes all sorts of funny noises


Little Miss Busy Body

Sage has turned into a little busy body! Not only is she crawling, but she is pulling herself up constantly! Her favorite is the coffee table, which gave her a nice little scratch on her nose! I know there will plenty more of those! She also no longer a fan of her car seat :( She wants to be out and moving! We have also gone backwards on sleep- no more sleeping through the night- she is getting up around 1 and again around 4-5. She acts hungry- maybe a growth spurt??? When she wakes up, she sits up in her crib or crawls to the corner by the door and yells until we come get her!

We had a great Easter in NoDak! We had a full house- Mom, Dad, Justin, Sage, Adam, Nick, and Nick's girlfriend Diane. We made deer bologna on Saturday! Sage was Grandpa's assistant supervisor! The Easter Bunny found Sage on the farm. We even made it into town for a few drinks!

I can't wait for summer vacation and having more time with Sage! We already have weekly playdates lined up with our Amma friends! Now, if the weather would just cooperate!


1st Flu Bug!

Sage has had her first case of the flu! Daycare called by 9:30 am Thursday morning- Sage was throwing up and had runny diapers! Justin was able to take the day off and stay home with her. She was sick all day. Poor little thing! Justin was lucky enough to go through quite the wardrobe as Sage kept spitting up all over him. I stayed home with her Friday. We took her in to the clinic. They tested her urine for infection- that was no fun as she cried and cried :( She is much better, but is still on a soy formula/pedialite diet until the runny diapers stop. Pampers has made a killing this weekend!


On the Move!

We have a crawler! Sage is on the move, better and better each day. Today she even pulled herself up to a standing position with the coffee table! She is a busy body! She also still chews on everything, as you can see in the first picture!

- Starting to tolerate solids!
- Crawl, crawl, crawl
- Very close to clapping hands
- Cuddles more
- Wants to pull herself up to standing
-Doesn't understand that she can't go through the coffee table, chair, etc
-Mom needs to get better at letting her explore and get beat up a little!


7 Months

Sage is 7 months old! She has been changing so much the last few weeks:
-Has two bottom teeth
-Likes to hold her own bottle
-Sits up better and better every day
-Sticks out her tongue
-Is very close to crawling!
-Wants to be held more :(
-Rolls over to get from place to place
-Still not a fan of solids :(
-Likes juice :)